HI FROM LUKE! We have been involved in some great outreaches lately. We have been going to a few schools and doing a base GX presentation, this has been really awesome. I have never seen such a response to the gospel, and the performers. So far, we have spoken to and performed for over 400 kids with about an 80 percent rate of response. The outreaches have consisted of hip hop dance, break dancing, a bit of skateboarding, testimony by one or two of the performers, and a gospel message with a call to repentance and faith in Jesus. The outreaches have been a lot of fun, and the kids are stoked! Even wanting their picture with us, and our autograph, which is a strange feeling, but fun none the less.
We are very fortunate to have an open door like this to do ministry in the schools. Most of the Brazilians we have talked to are shocked to hear that if we tried to do the same type of thing in Canada we could be arrested. If this is news to you Canadians, it’s true. As for pastors, or other people who might want to go into a school, you can not preach the gospel, talk about Jesus, sin or absolute truth even, or you can be removed from school property. The amazing thing, though, is that the students can share Christ publicly with other students, and can even start a Christian club in their school. It is a great loop hole and one that opens doors for Jesus to be shared in the schools in Canada.
In this coming week we are planning a construction project in a neighboring city called Conde, which is more rural that where we are now in Joao Pessoa. It is a very poor community, and where we are going to work is the only school in the area. It is a special school in that it is solely run by volunteers, as the government has suspended funding, so right now, none of the teachers or other staff gets paid. They simply have a heart for the youth in that area that otherwise would not have an opportunity to get any sort of education. We are going there to do some concrete work, which is right up my alley though I have yet to see how it is done here. From my entire sidewalk walking experience here in Brazil, it seems that they use many different methods so we will see what happens. We will be sure to post many pictures of out project so stay tuned.