Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Taking the First Step

Well, the long story goes like this- Just over a year ago, Luke and I became the blessed parents of a wonderful son. His name is Beck. Oh I could go on for hours about him! But he is not the point of this little note. The point is... well, you will see.
I have to say I was quite impressed that, though I was on maternity leave, every second Tuesday our bank account would magically have enough money to pay the mortgage! How nice of you Canadian Government! I was quite enthralled with the whole "system". Anyway. My year of mat leave was coming to an end and I realized that this free money was no longer going to be part of our monthly income. So, I got out the trusty old calculator, and a note pad. I was going to put our family on a budget!
Budget. Ok. Seems pretty straight forward, as it should be for this math-minded gal. Of course, it is simple to figure out how much we spend each month on the necessities. And the not-so-necessities. The question that haunted me was "How much should we be spending? And how do I know if we can afford something, anyway?"
Good old Google. Did you know that you should budget 35% of your income for housing expenses? There is a breakdown for everything! This is amazing! Do others know about this? I just have to say, I wish someone had told me this YEARS ago!
Here I go again with my calculator... housing, vehicle, fuel, bills, groceries, personal, savings... Tithe. wait, that's 110% of our income? Ok, where can we trim a little...
Well, initial shock over with, and we are pretty close to where we need to be. But something does not make sense to me... Now how do I DO this??? Cash system?No debit cards, credit cards? But I have so many automatic payments? Ahhh!
Can someone please tell me? Do it for me?
Honestly I can't believe how hard this is for me to do. Math has always been my strong suit.
However, applications have never been. I am finding this in other areas of my life and frankly it annoys me like crazy! But I seriously have not the slightest idea where to begin, with this and with a long list of other things.
When it comes to the family finances, I must confess that I have a super hard time giving generously that which is the Lord's, or tithing. I heard one Bible teacher say that All of my money belongs to the Lord, and he lets me decide how much of it I get to keep. I agree with the teacher, I really do, but in this area I struggle greatly. Recently our Sunday sermon was on the topic of giving. I was convicted more than I have been in church in a while. Literally so uncomfortable in my seat. Yet, I am still holding on to my money!
The first step is always the hardest one. Especially because I don't know what it is.
My desire is to be obedient to the Lord, I strive to be a woman of noble character, being a good steward of what I have been given, to have my household in order, to be generous and to be hospitable unto my ever gracious and generous God. I will only be able to accomplish this by his mercy... (and possibly a little help from my friends who know a thing or two about it?)
Thanks for reading! If you remember,please pray for us in this area, and if you have any advice I'm open to it!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

this is life

So, I have been complaining a lot lately. More than normal. Complaining has somehow become part of life. I complain about everything, not just the weather which well, everyone complains about the weather but...

The past two weeks have been tough, I will say that. It all started when Beck, our exceptionally content 8 month old son, had a booster shot. He had a reaction to the vaccine resulting in 3 days of fever and irritability. All normal side effects. The first night wasn't too bad. He was a little cranky, he went to bed early and that was that. The next day was the worst day of my life as a mother, followed by my second worst night as a mother, followed by my worst night as a mother. Cranky, inconsolable, sleepless baby. Not fun. To top it off, Luke my husband was also coming down with a cold. Then, just for fun, I also got a cold and then Beck got it too.
Luke was afraid our sweet boy was broken "What happened to our good baby?" he would say.Each morning I would wake up, sicker and more tired than the day before. I would think to myself "oh how I wish I could just not wake up today!". (That is a bad day right there. Not thoughts I should be having.)

The past two weeks have been tough. That part is real.
Everyone is thankfully nearly back to health.
Last night as I laid in bed, I began reflecting on this time. I confessed to Luke that this was the first time that I had felt good, happy, healthy, joyful, in as many days. I began to ask myself What would I change?" The only answer I could conjure was My Attitude. Then I started wondering "what would I even do if this wasn't happening to me, if life were easy?"

Life is what happens while we're busy making other plans" wrote John Lennon. Though there is great debate about what he meant, the first thing I thought of was Proverbs 16:9 "The heart of man plans his way,but the LORD establishes his steps."

I wish I could have seen the lesson in the hardship, that I could have "rejoiced" in my suffering, drawing close to the LORD. Sometimes life is hard. Though the moment seems to last for an eternity, (especially long nights with baby) these are the moments we remember, that make a life. I hope to look back on them and say that I made it. I know that Beck is only small for so little time in the Grand Scheme, precious moments are fleeting.
This time has prompted me to look back at other hard times in my life, some self-inflicted. And though I have often wished I could take back the moment, I would never take back the lesson. And so I suppose the Lord has accomplished his purpose. Even in my bad attitude, my sin and rebellion. And THAT is what gives me joy, that He has a plan, that His name may be glorified. And so, we press onward.

"It's supposed to be hard! If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard... is what makes it great!" -Jimmy Dugan, A League Of Their Own.