Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Here we are in Victoria B.C Canada. We have done a lot of traveling over the past year and it has been lots of fun. One thing I want to try and do more of is blog what we are doing on a more regular basis. That way we can keep people up to speed with what we are doing as far as ministry goes. Life is ministy for us. Even though Barbie and I are both working, we are continuing to do ministry and are presuing full time ministry work. As it stands now we almost have two full time jobs. Currently we have taken a week to be with a couple in Victoria that are geting married next Saturday. We have been invited up for the week prior to help with the wedding plans and I have been asked to officiate the wedding which is exciting. We wanted to spend time with them to go through a sermon series that we have been going through with a couples life group in Red Deer called the Peasent Princess which is a series through the Song of Songs that addresses marriage and everything that is involved in marriage. Barbie and I have been richly blessed by this series and we are looking forward to going through it. Barbie and I have felt a serious pull to invest in the lives of young married, and dating engaged couples. We know that marriage is hard and is not something to be entered into lightly so we want to do what we can to help invest in couples lives. We believe in the covanent of marriage and that it is binding and something to be entered into with reverance We feel that we have been give a lot of grace in our marriage to be able to work through hard things and look at the situations of live objectivly and press thought knowing that our strength is from the lord. We are really excited to share what we have learned in our two and a half year of married life together with them and your prayers during this time are greatly appreciated.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
HI FROM LUKE! We have been involved in some great outreaches lately. We have been going to a few schools and doing a base GX presentation, this has been really awesome. I have never seen such a response to the gospel, and the performers. So far, we have spoken to and performed for over 400 kids with about an 80 percent rate of response. The outreaches have consisted of hip hop dance, break dancing, a bit of skateboarding, testimony by one or two of the performers, and a gospel message with a call to repentance and faith in Jesus. The outreaches have been a lot of fun, and the kids are stoked! Even wanting their picture with us, and our autograph, which is a strange feeling, but fun none the less.
We are very fortunate to have an open door like this to do ministry in the schools. Most of the Brazilians we have talked to are shocked to hear that if we tried to do the same type of thing in Canada we could be arrested. If this is news to you Canadians, it’s true. As for pastors, or other people who might want to go into a school, you can not preach the gospel, talk about Jesus, sin or absolute truth even, or you can be removed from school property. The amazing thing, though, is that the students can share Christ publicly with other students, and can even start a Christian club in their school. It is a great loop hole and one that opens doors for Jesus to be shared in the schools in Canada.
In this coming week we are planning a construction project in a neighboring city called Conde, which is more rural that where we are now in Joao Pessoa. It is a very poor community, and where we are going to work is the only school in the area. It is a special school in that it is solely run by volunteers, as the government has suspended funding, so right now, none of the teachers or other staff gets paid. They simply have a heart for the youth in that area that otherwise would not have an opportunity to get any sort of education. We are going there to do some concrete work, which is right up my alley though I have yet to see how it is done here. From my entire sidewalk walking experience here in Brazil, it seems that they use many different methods so we will see what happens. We will be sure to post many pictures of out project so stay tuned.
We are very fortunate to have an open door like this to do ministry in the schools. Most of the Brazilians we have talked to are shocked to hear that if we tried to do the same type of thing in Canada we could be arrested. If this is news to you Canadians, it’s true. As for pastors, or other people who might want to go into a school, you can not preach the gospel, talk about Jesus, sin or absolute truth even, or you can be removed from school property. The amazing thing, though, is that the students can share Christ publicly with other students, and can even start a Christian club in their school. It is a great loop hole and one that opens doors for Jesus to be shared in the schools in Canada.
In this coming week we are planning a construction project in a neighboring city called Conde, which is more rural that where we are now in Joao Pessoa. It is a very poor community, and where we are going to work is the only school in the area. It is a special school in that it is solely run by volunteers, as the government has suspended funding, so right now, none of the teachers or other staff gets paid. They simply have a heart for the youth in that area that otherwise would not have an opportunity to get any sort of education. We are going there to do some concrete work, which is right up my alley though I have yet to see how it is done here. From my entire sidewalk walking experience here in Brazil, it seems that they use many different methods so we will see what happens. We will be sure to post many pictures of out project so stay tuned.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Brazil up date #1
We are in Brazil! Brazil is very beautiful and full of life, and people! We had a slight miscommunication regarding our flight info; I told everyone that we were getting in on the 5th of May when really we got in on the 6th. Oops. God worked it out though, as we managed to find an internet café where we were able to facebook one of the team members, who relayed the message to one of the Brazilian leaders. Praise the Lord. It would have been a long night otherwise. So for anyone who is still opposed to face book, this is further evidence to convince you that it is good, if
you use it wisely.
Arriving in Brazil, we were driven to our host home by a young man named Nato. (Yes some of the names are hard to pronounce but we are doing alright.) Out host family is awesome! They are a family of four, Sandro (the father), and Tasi (the mother), and their two children, Alice (10) and Daniel (6), plus the puppy, Niki. After spending a short night at our host home we were off to meet the rest of the team. There are about thirty of us in the group from all over the world, Canada, U.S.A, Denmark, Sweden, Australia, Mexico, England, Scotland and Brazil. A very great and diverse group of people Barbie and I are really excited to get to know everyone.
Then main struggle we face is the language barrier. I was under the impression that most people would have a bit of English because it was required in school, but so far this seems untrue. There are enough people on out team that can speak English and Portuguese that we can for the most part have a translator.
Barbie and I are really excited to have this time with Shane, Aaron, Kendra and Bill who is the leader of GX international, to see exactly what our roles will be in launching a GX Canada. At this
point things are looking different then I initially thought they would. For me I thought that I would probably do some skateboarding if there was a need for it and as it turns out I am the only one who is a skateboarder on the team. So now I will be doing all of it ha-ha. This however opens up some doors to do some recruiting with in the city and tapping into some of the other skate ministries that are around.
Barbie and I are really excited to journey with everyone during this time and we will try and keep everyone up to speed with what is happening and when we have prayer needs. We will also be including pictures and lots of them as we were blessed with an amazing camera by an amazing friend and man of God.
Thank you so much for your continued support.
Arriving in Brazil, we were driven to our host home by a young man named Nato. (Yes some of the names are hard to pronounce but we are doing alright.) Out host family is awesome! They are a family of four, Sandro (the father), and Tasi (the mother), and their two children, Alice (10) and Daniel (6), plus the puppy, Niki. After spending a short night at our host home we were off to meet the rest of the team. There are about thirty of us in the group from all over the world, Canada, U.S.A, Denmark, Sweden, Australia, Mexico, England, Scotland and Brazil. A very great and diverse group of people Barbie and I are really excited to get to know everyone.
Then main struggle we face is the language barrier. I was under the impression that most people would have a bit of English because it was required in school, but so far this seems untrue. There are enough people on out team that can speak English and Portuguese that we can for the most part have a translator.
Barbie and I are really excited to have this time with Shane, Aaron, Kendra and Bill who is the leader of GX international, to see exactly what our roles will be in launching a GX Canada. At this
Barbie and I are really excited to journey with everyone during this time and we will try and keep everyone up to speed with what is happening and when we have prayer needs. We will also be including pictures and lots of them as we were blessed with an amazing camera by an amazing friend and man of God.
Thank you so much for your continued support.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Its been a while since our last blog, blog
It has been awhile since our last blog. Not that we haven’t been busy, maybe we have been to busy. Re-adjusting to life back in Red Deer has been great! It has been amazing to see all of our family and friends again and all the new babies are so dang cute! Yeah. It has been great being back though for a short time. We have been busy getting organized to go to Brazil on the fourth of May for two months and its coming fast.
While we have been home we have been able to help out with some things and it has been great. We helped my mom, Deanna, paint the up stairs of there house, I (Luke) got a chance to work with my step Dad Brent, who is a heavy duty mechanic, at his shop on equipment, I also got to roof a house, which is always fun and we also got to help a friend move, busy times.
At this point in time we are waiting for our visas to come in. The whole visa thing has caused us a fair bit of stress in the past few weeks, but God is in control. The whole visa thing has been quite a mess. Initially we thought we would be in the clear because we sent all of out stuff to the consulate with more than enough time to get our visas back for the trip. It would have been fine if we had sent them to the right consulate. We mistakenly sent them to the consulate in Toronto when we were supposed to send them to Vancouver. Apparently there are jurisdictions, which I had no idea, and Toronto only serves Ontario, Manitoba, and Nunavut. So yeah this made things pretty tight. We are pretty much praying hard about things now. Some time I think that God does things like this because he wants us to know that He is in charge not us. It is a good lesson to learn and one that Barbie and I are constantly learning as we continue on this journey. We received a real boost from Shane Fox, who is also headed to Brazil, the other day when he received his visa in only nine days. Yeah Jesus is still in control and he care about the little and the big things in life.
We are really excited to see what God has for us in this up coming time away again. It is defiantly hard to leave friends and family again for two more months after already being gone for five and also we are going to miss the playoffs! This is what obedience looks like for us at this time in our lives and we are excited to continue on this journey.
This Saturday the 25th we are having a fund raiser in Sylvan Lake at the Alliance church so we hope to see you there.
While we have been home we have been able to help out with some things and it has been great. We helped my mom, Deanna, paint the up stairs of there house, I (Luke) got a chance to work with my step Dad Brent, who is a heavy duty mechanic, at his shop on equipment, I also got to roof a house, which is always fun and we also got to help a friend move, busy times.
At this point in time we are waiting for our visas to come in. The whole visa thing has caused us a fair bit of stress in the past few weeks, but God is in control. The whole visa thing has been quite a mess. Initially we thought we would be in the clear because we sent all of out stuff to the consulate with more than enough time to get our visas back for the trip. It would have been fine if we had sent them to the right consulate. We mistakenly sent them to the consulate in Toronto when we were supposed to send them to Vancouver. Apparently there are jurisdictions, which I had no idea, and Toronto only serves Ontario, Manitoba, and Nunavut. So yeah this made things pretty tight. We are pretty much praying hard about things now. Some time I think that God does things like this because he wants us to know that He is in charge not us. It is a good lesson to learn and one that Barbie and I are constantly learning as we continue on this journey. We received a real boost from Shane Fox, who is also headed to Brazil, the other day when he received his visa in only nine days. Yeah Jesus is still in control and he care about the little and the big things in life.
We are really excited to see what God has for us in this up coming time away again. It is defiantly hard to leave friends and family again for two more months after already being gone for five and also we are going to miss the playoffs! This is what obedience looks like for us at this time in our lives and we are excited to continue on this journey.
This Saturday the 25th we are having a fund raiser in Sylvan Lake at the Alliance church so we hope to see you there.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
WOW! Only one day left! I don't say that over enthusiastically, or scarcastically. I am excited but, as with any good time of ministry, sad to see the time end. Still, we are so excited to see what God has for us next. We have been blessed so much by this experience, and our leaders have been amazing and, thankfully, teachable. We are looking forward to heading back home and hanging with friends and family and seeing everyone again. Yeah!
We are so thankful to everyone who has prayed and supported us during this time. I will stress at this point that we are not done. Life with Jesus is never done (unless you're dead, then it's safe to say that you're done).
I (Luke) have learned so much during this time and have had the chance to read some awesome books, sit under some really good teachers, and do some hands on stuff that has stretched me quite a lot, but it has been really amazing and I would do it again, definately.
We are so thankful to everyone who has prayed and supported us during this time. I will stress at this point that we are not done. Life with Jesus is never done (unless you're dead, then it's safe to say that you're done).
I (Luke) have learned so much during this time and have had the chance to read some awesome books, sit under some really good teachers, and do some hands on stuff that has stretched me quite a lot, but it has been really amazing and I would do it again, definately.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Video Blog #2
Hello friends. This is our second video Blog and this one is very much fun times yes? This is a little taste of some of the ministry that we are doing during this time of outreach.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
We are in Montana, (Woot!) now close to the end of outreach and even closer to staring our new life in ministry; we're excited and scared at the same time, it is good. One thing we've learned, and has been ever clear during this time, is that Jesus Lord.
We have done a lot of cool outreaches during this time in and it's been amazing, all the things that God in His providence has lead us into.
Last week, we had the opportunity to join a prayer team at a "Get motivated!" seminar, which is the largest of it's type in the world. We were invited by a man named Joe Walsh to pray for the people that were in attendance. It was quite amazing and we definitely felt like we had no business being there, but God called us to be there and it was awesome. The speakers there ranged from Gen. Colin Powell to Mike Phelps, and was totally amazing to be a part of. The leaders of the event also spoke and gave a gospel message which was really good and the 17,000 people who were there were impacted by a straight forward call to repentance.
So, we're staying in Polson, Montana for this week. The surrounding area for about 100 mile radius is Reserve land belonging to the Flathead Indian nation. We have teamed up with the Island Breeze DTS once again, actually for the first time since Vancouver. Tomorrow we get to be a part of something that is a first for the people of this reserve here in Montana. We are meeting with the tribal council of the reserve and the Samoans are going to present a message, cultural dances, songs and gifts to them on behalf of the countries and cultures. (There are ten countries represented in our team.) It's really cool and Really different. Also we'll be preparing and serving a luao lunch. Our DTS is taking on a servant role for the Samoans and help them make this time a success.
There is a lot of protocol involved in something like this, which we have spent some time learning about. We are so excited to see how God is going to use this opportuinty! For His Glory!
We have done a lot of cool outreaches during this time in and it's been amazing, all the things that God in His providence has lead us into.
Last week, we had the opportunity to join a prayer team at a "Get motivated!" seminar, which is the largest of it's type in the world. We were invited by a man named Joe Walsh to pray for the people that were in attendance. It was quite amazing and we definitely felt like we had no business being there, but God called us to be there and it was awesome. The speakers there ranged from Gen. Colin Powell to Mike Phelps, and was totally amazing to be a part of. The leaders of the event also spoke and gave a gospel message which was really good and the 17,000 people who were there were impacted by a straight forward call to repentance.
So, we're staying in Polson, Montana for this week. The surrounding area for about 100 mile radius is Reserve land belonging to the Flathead Indian nation. We have teamed up with the Island Breeze DTS once again, actually for the first time since Vancouver. Tomorrow we get to be a part of something that is a first for the people of this reserve here in Montana. We are meeting with the tribal council of the reserve and the Samoans are going to present a message, cultural dances, songs and gifts to them on behalf of the countries and cultures. (There are ten countries represented in our team.) It's really cool and Really different. Also we'll be preparing and serving a luao lunch. Our DTS is taking on a servant role for the Samoans and help them make this time a success.
There is a lot of protocol involved in something like this, which we have spent some time learning about. We are so excited to see how God is going to use this opportuinty! For His Glory!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Video Blog #1
Hello all faithful Blog followers. We have a little treat for you today, it's our first video Blog. We just figured that we it would be fun if you could see exactly where we are at and some of what we are doing. Enjoy.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Outeach week 3
We are now into out third week of outreach. It's funny how God changes things and directs us to people & places we would never think of.
Everyone on the team was really excited to go to Seattle and Mars Hill church for a sunday service but unfortunatly the van broke down and we had to stay in Vancouver for another few days. It was all good though, we got to hang out with Danny and Arielle (Barbie's brother & his GF) for another evening (and shower at their place, yeah!) God always works things out for good for those who love Him.
We also got to spend some time with YWAM Vancouver and encourage their team. They were/are also in the middle of a litigation process for their base. Apparently the city has re-zoned their base as residential and they are not allowed to be there now. So they have been in a large process of getting their base back, good times.
$1900.00 later, our van is fixed and we're on the
road again. Stopping breafly in Seattle to pray for the city we headed to Salem OR. We stayed the night in Salem at the YWAM base which was quite nice; All their guest rooms are theamed after countries and Barbie and I stayed in the Azerbaijan room which was really nice. We met a young
man named Adrian who we got to spend a lot of time sharing with and praying for, it was really awesome. He's a cool dude. Actually, he is a stunt man and he has done stunts in some pretty big movies like "The Fantastic Four". We only stayed in Salem for one night and then headed for Redding CA. Arriving in Redding at one of our host family's place, Shane and Ginny Grimes, to have dinner and then headed to Bethel Church. I'm not sure if you have heard of Bethel Church, but it is a great place and people are on fire there. The team there ministered to us and we got to sit in on some classes in their Supernatural School of Ministry which has about one thousand students. Our time in Redding was so great and we met and minnistered to a lot of people.
Treasure Hunts- If you have never heard of a treasure hunt, it is about the most crazy thing I have done. Basically you wait on God, asking Him to show places, peoples names, appearance, prayed needs and unusual things to look for. Then you go out and look for them, and when you find those things you pray for people. One of the teams that went out came back with a crazy testimony of finding a woman who exactly fit the list someone made and who told them that the day before she had said to God "if you love me send someone to tell me." No Joke. It was totally amazing and our team has now adoped the idea and are trying it out in other citys we visit. Redding was amazing, going to church there was a blast and I would say probably the most intimate and intense worship I have ever experienced.
Leaving Redding we made the short drive to Chico CA We stayed at the YWAM base there and it is an incredible place. The base there is actually an old hotel built in the twenty's for movie stars
and is still in quite good shape. After we unpacked our stuff ,we found out that there was a pastors conference there with over seventy pastors attending from the county. We were given the opportunity to attend a prayer meeting with them and given some time to speak. It was crazy. I really felt that God had given me a word to speak to the pastors about holding thelogical issues in the open and closed hand and what needs to be in the closed hand thelogically and what we should hold in the open hand thelogically. It went well and I got some good feed back from a few of the pastors. Another thing that happend near the end they asked if there were pastors that wanted to come up for prayer about any personal issues that they had. One pastor named Abe came up and said that he was afraid to blow it and just wanted God to be proud of him. I felt like God told me to tell him that He (God) had a wallet with his picture in it. Yeah sounds pretty funny but, obedience. So after the meeting was done I found him and told him that. He began to tell me that he tells people that all the time and it means a lot to him. He thanked me then began to tell me how he was just so scared of messing up I told him not to worry about that and that it would be important for him to study pastors who have messed up and see where they stumbled and also have a network of Godly men around him to be accountable to he thanked me again and left.
The next day we headed out on our first team treasure hunt. The treasure hunt this time was definatly different than in Redding for what ever reason. We ended up praying for a young ladies Dad who was struggeling with pancreatic cancer. How we arrived at this point is the interesting part. Like before, in Redding, we waited on God for people, places, things ect. One person got "Jon and Bon's" which is an ice cream shop, another person got "fountain", and "pancreatic ailment", another got "purple shirt and red nail polish". And another got "octopus". When we met this girl named Jacqueline, she was wearing a purple shirt she had red toe nail polish and she standing was in between a fountain and Jon and Bon's ice cream shop, and in the fountain was a statue of an Octapuss. Barbie went up to her and told her all this. When she asked if we could pray for anything, Jacqueline told us that she had a grandpa who was dying from pancreatic cancer. Coinsidence?
After a few more days in Chico and serving the base there we headed out for Sacramento.
This trip has been amazing so far. We, our team, all believe that God is leading us on a journey that is much different from a conventional outreach, whatever that is, and far from what we might expect it to be. It was the sense from the beginning that He would be putting us in places where we had no business being with people who we would not otherwise ever contact. This is exactly what He's been doing, so far, along with teaching us much of whi He is. Jesus Is Lord!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
The first week of outreach
The first week of outreach has been awesome! The first day was spent driving to Kelowna, which was a lot of fun in the van. (We only had one child freak out and say that he wanted to go home about two hours in. It’s all good.) Arriving in Kelowna, we were met by a Korean man named Daniel and he guided us to the place where we would be staying at for the night. We drove to a beautiful house atop a hill that is owned by an awesome Korean couple. In the morning we spent some time praying for the couple in there house and speaking prophetic words over them and the city of Kelowna. It was a really awesome time.
I had an interesting word there for them and the city. I saw our group in the spirit gather up something like snow balls and throw them out onto the city and I also saw the couple speaking life into the city from there house in the mornings.
After our time in Kelowna we journeyed onward to Vancouver. We arrived in Vancouver on Tuesday night and stopped at our place of residence for the next few days- the Full Gospel Assembly church in Burnaby. We are guided to our room which is the church nursery, not bad.
That night we found out that there was a prayer meeting going on with the Zion church. Our base leader John Knoch told us that it would be beneficial to us if we went there and it was. We arrived with a little help if a GPS. Going upstairs to a small room filled with a diverse group of people praying, we are introduced to the group and given an opportunity to share. The pray time there was phenomenal and we had many encouraging words spoken over us. One of the highlights for me was meeting the Russian missionary that was a guest to the Zion church. We struck up conversation and I began to tell him about where we were planning on going. I told him that I was hoping to get to Seattle for church on Sunday and he asked me what church we were going to. I told him that I was hoping to go to Mars Hill. He said “oh yeah, Mark Driscoll, I like him.” He began to tell me that he watches the pod casts in at his home in Russia. It was so awesome to meet some one from Russia who was stoked on reformed theology.
For the next few days we had the opportunity to minister at Union Gospel Mission. UGM is a shelter for the homeless, but it is not your every day shelter. This place packed with a highly energetic clientele of about 120-130 homeless people from all different experiences and backgrounds, and seven crazy staff that we had lots of time to get to know and encourage. There are probably too many highlights to share but I think the number one was the time Barbie and I got to spend with Bill Wong. He is the manager of the UGM. We spent a large portion of the day with Bill running around the city picking up donations and talking. We really connected with Bill and had an awesome time of fellowship with him. It’s truly amazing to hear stories of the lives that have been changed by the mission and we were blessed to have been there.
Next up for us we are headed to Seattle. We need Prayer, today (Saturday) our van decided to break down, I guess the fuel pump and the fuel relay were on the last legs and decided to throw in the towel. So we are now in a holding pattern. Praise the Lord. We are being obedient.
Saturday night we got to relax and hang out with Dan & Arielle (Barbie’s bro & his GF). We had a really nice visit and had some delicious Indonesian curry. (made from scratch! Thank you!) It was a fun time, and as always, ended too soon.
Today is Sunday, the seventh day of outreach. WE are hoping to leave today for Seattle, but alas the van is in the shop still. We went to church at the Full Gospel Assembly this morning. The New Waves team performed a couple of their dances and the Hauka. The church was very culturally diverse. We had a lot of fun and were very blessed by the congregation. WE got to pray for many people after the sermon and the youth rocked it out. We had lunch with them after and it was a really cool time.
So here we are, not sure what is ahead, but we are confident in what the Lord has told us and are excited for the next seven weeks!
I had an interesting word there for them and the city. I saw our group in the spirit gather up something like snow balls and throw them out onto the city and I also saw the couple speaking life into the city from there house in the mornings.
After our time in Kelowna we journeyed onward to Vancouver. We arrived in Vancouver on Tuesday night and stopped at our place of residence for the next few days- the Full Gospel Assembly church in Burnaby. We are guided to our room which is the church nursery, not bad.
That night we found out that there was a prayer meeting going on with the Zion church. Our base leader John Knoch told us that it would be beneficial to us if we went there and it was. We arrived with a little help if a GPS. Going upstairs to a small room filled with a diverse group of people praying, we are introduced to the group and given an opportunity to share. The pray time there was phenomenal and we had many encouraging words spoken over us. One of the highlights for me was meeting the Russian missionary that was a guest to the Zion church. We struck up conversation and I began to tell him about where we were planning on going. I told him that I was hoping to get to Seattle for church on Sunday and he asked me what church we were going to. I told him that I was hoping to go to Mars Hill. He said “oh yeah, Mark Driscoll, I like him.” He began to tell me that he watches the pod casts in at his home in Russia. It was so awesome to meet some one from Russia who was stoked on reformed theology.
For the next few days we had the opportunity to minister at Union Gospel Mission. UGM is a shelter for the homeless, but it is not your every day shelter. This place packed with a highly energetic clientele of about 120-130 homeless people from all different experiences and backgrounds, and seven crazy staff that we had lots of time to get to know and encourage. There are probably too many highlights to share but I think the number one was the time Barbie and I got to spend with Bill Wong. He is the manager of the UGM. We spent a large portion of the day with Bill running around the city picking up donations and talking. We really connected with Bill and had an awesome time of fellowship with him. It’s truly amazing to hear stories of the lives that have been changed by the mission and we were blessed to have been there.
Next up for us we are headed to Seattle. We need Prayer, today (Saturday) our van decided to break down, I guess the fuel pump and the fuel relay were on the last legs and decided to throw in the towel. So we are now in a holding pattern. Praise the Lord. We are being obedient.
Saturday night we got to relax and hang out with Dan & Arielle (Barbie’s bro & his GF). We had a really nice visit and had some delicious Indonesian curry. (made from scratch! Thank you!) It was a fun time, and as always, ended too soon.
Today is Sunday, the seventh day of outreach. WE are hoping to leave today for Seattle, but alas the van is in the shop still. We went to church at the Full Gospel Assembly this morning. The New Waves team performed a couple of their dances and the Hauka. The church was very culturally diverse. We had a lot of fun and were very blessed by the congregation. WE got to pray for many people after the sermon and the youth rocked it out. We had lunch with them after and it was a really cool time.
So here we are, not sure what is ahead, but we are confident in what the Lord has told us and are excited for the next seven weeks!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Outreach-Day 1
Up this morning, 4 am. In the van and on the road, leaving Cypress Hills, Alberta, 5:30am.
Arrive in Kelowna, BC, 9:30pm.
One day down and we are well aware that a good attitude can change everything.
Jesus is Lord!
Arrive in Kelowna, BC, 9:30pm.
One day down and we are well aware that a good attitude can change everything.
Jesus is Lord!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Jesus is Lord
Thank you for your prayers.
We are headed on the road in approximately 6.5 hours. We are both really excited!
There is something about the not knowing which both is thrilling and terrifying.
The greatest thing about life, though, is the absolute knowing that Jesus is Lord in all circumstances (though there is still the trusting part)
The life of a christian is one of constant repentance and obedience. I am glad that I will never know all there is to know about the Lord; Those deep secret things of God, we will spend eternity learning of...
We are headed on the road in approximately 6.5 hours. We are both really excited!
There is something about the not knowing which both is thrilling and terrifying.
The greatest thing about life, though, is the absolute knowing that Jesus is Lord in all circumstances (though there is still the trusting part)
The life of a christian is one of constant repentance and obedience. I am glad that I will never know all there is to know about the Lord; Those deep secret things of God, we will spend eternity learning of...
A vision
So, the other day (Wednesday January 7, 2009) Barbie and I called Crossroads Church to see how much support had come in for us during the month of December; With the outreach phase of the DTS approaching quickly and the lack of finances we had, we were starting to get a little concerned. After talking to the church accountant, we were slightly taken aback at the news that the month of December had brought in zero dollars.
There has always been a part of me that has not wanted to do this outreach, for reasons other than finances, so this seemed like a bigger reason not to go.
Feeling really confused and anxious, Barbie and I decided to fast from dinner that night to seek God about what we were supposed to do. We stayed in our room and put on some worship music and began to seek the Lord.
About thirty minutes had passed, I was laying on the bed face down praying, when I started to have a vision.
In this vision I was laying face down in a desert that was dry and the ground was cracked up. Suddenly I was picked up by a figure, that I think was a demon; He picked me up and began slapping me in the face over and over. Then it seemed to zoom out from that place and that whole scenario became a thought in the form of an arrow that bounced off the armor that I was now wearing. Then the vision went back to the start and I was lying there on the cracked ground again. The same thing happened. Again the figure came and picked me up. I knew it was going to start slapping me, so when it went to take the first hit, I blocked it and punched the demon in the face. My punch was like a super punch and it sent the thing flying and I mean like flying! Then I went and walked to where the demon landed, and there was another one! As it came at me, I punched it also, and it flew off a huge cliff that was close to me. Then I walked up to the cliff and looked over it; It was a huge chasm. As I looked, I felt another attack coming from behind. I looked back just in time to see something dive at me to try and take me over the cliff. I ducked and the thing flew over the cliff. Returning to my feet I began looking around, and as I looked I saw on the horizon a throne on a hill. As soon as I saw the throne I began running toward it. As I ran I noticed that there were figures lining the trail. I was running so fast that I was knocking them over. When I arrived at the throne I was met by Jesus, but I could only see his legs for he was so HUGE! All I could see were his feet and lower legs. Then he reached down and picked me up and embraced me in his arms. I felt so small in the arms of Jesus even though in this vision I was a big guy. I then heard Jesus say to me “Well done, good and faithful servant.” He hugged me and then lowered me to the ground again. After he released me, I started walking down some stairs. Then, out of nowhere, a door appeared before me and I knew that I was suppose to walk through it. As I got closer to the door I noticed that on the door a word was written; It said “OUTREACH”.
Praise God for speaking!
I am totally convinced that we are supposed to do this outreach regardless of finances. God WILL provide. We are called to obedience and I want to do what God wants us to do regardless of what it looks like in the natural. Jesus is Lord.
There has always been a part of me that has not wanted to do this outreach, for reasons other than finances, so this seemed like a bigger reason not to go.
Feeling really confused and anxious, Barbie and I decided to fast from dinner that night to seek God about what we were supposed to do. We stayed in our room and put on some worship music and began to seek the Lord.
About thirty minutes had passed, I was laying on the bed face down praying, when I started to have a vision.
In this vision I was laying face down in a desert that was dry and the ground was cracked up. Suddenly I was picked up by a figure, that I think was a demon; He picked me up and began slapping me in the face over and over. Then it seemed to zoom out from that place and that whole scenario became a thought in the form of an arrow that bounced off the armor that I was now wearing. Then the vision went back to the start and I was lying there on the cracked ground again. The same thing happened. Again the figure came and picked me up. I knew it was going to start slapping me, so when it went to take the first hit, I blocked it and punched the demon in the face. My punch was like a super punch and it sent the thing flying and I mean like flying! Then I went and walked to where the demon landed, and there was another one! As it came at me, I punched it also, and it flew off a huge cliff that was close to me. Then I walked up to the cliff and looked over it; It was a huge chasm. As I looked, I felt another attack coming from behind. I looked back just in time to see something dive at me to try and take me over the cliff. I ducked and the thing flew over the cliff. Returning to my feet I began looking around, and as I looked I saw on the horizon a throne on a hill. As soon as I saw the throne I began running toward it. As I ran I noticed that there were figures lining the trail. I was running so fast that I was knocking them over. When I arrived at the throne I was met by Jesus, but I could only see his legs for he was so HUGE! All I could see were his feet and lower legs. Then he reached down and picked me up and embraced me in his arms. I felt so small in the arms of Jesus even though in this vision I was a big guy. I then heard Jesus say to me “Well done, good and faithful servant.” He hugged me and then lowered me to the ground again. After he released me, I started walking down some stairs. Then, out of nowhere, a door appeared before me and I knew that I was suppose to walk through it. As I got closer to the door I noticed that on the door a word was written; It said “OUTREACH”.
Praise God for speaking!
I am totally convinced that we are supposed to do this outreach regardless of finances. God WILL provide. We are called to obedience and I want to do what God wants us to do regardless of what it looks like in the natural. Jesus is Lord.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Zero dollars
Well as it stands right now we have zero dollars for outreach. It’s totally crazy. God has totally provided for us durring the lecture phase and we have been able to go through lectures debt free. Praise God. At this point we are trying to decide if this is an attack on us, or if we are not supposed to go? Yeah we are praying and pressing into God to find the answers to these questions. I would invite you at this time to pray for us as we are seeking to be obedient to God and his leadings and I ask, beg, plead you to pray. If you have any sensing from the Lord please let us know.
Thank you for your prayer support at this time,
We love you all.
Luke and Barbie
Thank you for your prayer support at this time,
We love you all.
Luke and Barbie
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