So we have been doing a lot of interesting things during this time in DTS, but two Saturday's ago was particularly stretching. We are called to make disciples of all nations so, why not start with where you are at? So, on Saturday we went into Medicine Hat to do some street ministry. Initially we were supposed to team up with a church that has an actual street church and walk around the Hat and invite people to the service. On Friday, however, we got the unfortunate news that the street church had been canceled do to so circumstances, bummer. But, the leaders decided that we should just go in and do something anyway. I was a little freaked at this because now we have no real ice breaker but- Jesus is Lord. So we went into town, not really knowing what to expect. When we arrived in town, we met in a parking lot down town and began asking God about who and where we should go to minister. We were all silent before the Lord for a while then, someone spoke up about ministering to a lady in a pink shirt another talked about ministering to a man who was walking with crutches and probably the most crazy one was "there will be a girl in playboy bunny pants that we need to pray for". After we discussed and devised strategies, we paired off and began walking, looking for these different people. Naturally, Barbie and I went together, talking about how crazy it was that we were doing this. We began walking, asking God to direct us as to where to go. As we walked, I felt God leading us down certain streets and avenues until we came to a four way stop. We stopped and stood there for a moment and out of a building emerged a young lady and her young daughter. I felt really strongly that we were supposed to follow them, which sounds totally weird and creepy, I know. Well, we walked behind them, with uncertainty as to what exactly we were doing. They stopped to do some window shopping and we continued past them as to not appear totally creepy. We were now walking ahead of them down the street wondering 'what we were going to do?'. I heard the Mother say "we should visit Doris, do you want to go visit Doris today?" I began thinking, who is Doris? Then up ahead I noticed a store called Doris' Baby clothing store. Booya. We were still ahead of them at this point, so when we arrived at Doris' store we stopped and looked in the windows. The two went in and we followed, knowing that there was defiantly something about these two. Now in the store, we began wondering, again, 'what are we doing?' We just followed these people into a Baby clothing store and we defiantly don't have a baby or the desire to buy anything baby related. The Mother and the store owner, Doris herself, began talking and we, trying not to appear like we were trying to steal something, were eavesdropping on their conversation. As we slowly got closer to the till I noticed that they were talking about biblical things. The mother mentioned something about Noah's arc; They were talking about many well known Bible stories. As we got closer to them, I noticed that they had some really sweet little kid bible stories books on the counter. Doris began saying how great this one book in particular was. Now that we had an ice breaker I approached them and picked up the book. The book was quite awesome it had a lot of really good stories and a good sized write up about each one. So I cunningly commented "so you guys must be believers?" Doris immediately said "oh yes Jesus Christ is my Lord and Saviour." Then she just opened up about all kinds of things. We asked her where she went to church and she commented that she hadn't been to church in quite some time because her and her pastor had some disagreements about some things. The more we talked about it, the more Barbie and I saw that her pastor had seriously hurt her and others in there church by offering some wrong teaching and just being all together cruel. We encouraged her to check out the Bridge church since we had the pastor of the church lecture here and we were able to build relationship with him. Our conversation went on about forty five minutes and we discussed a lot of things about Christianity and had a really good time with them. Before we left we prayed for Doris, Jen and Rosie and encouraged them to journey together in there christian walks. Yes it was amazing. We left that place floating and giggling like school girls and praising God for using us in this way.
God is awesome. We are persuaded that this can happen any where we go if we are obedient to the leading of the Holy Spirit and we are trying to live this out in everything we do.
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